Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Take A Serious Look At The Finder's Fees Business!

Let’s back up here for a minute before we talk about making big money as a Fat Cat Professional Finder. Sure – there are plenty of big bucks to be made as a professional finder. IF……… That’s right – IF..… If you do it right!

And most folks don’t do it right. The reason being is that most people who jump into this business of finding – jump into it without knowing the game rules. This is why most fail at this business. So you really need to sit back and ask yourself, "Do I have what it takes to be a professional finder? And let's NOT talk about being a professional finder BUT a GOOD professional finder.

You can’t go into this half cocked. Would you believe that most people, even people who call themselves finders, do not really know what a finder is. Although so much has been written about the
easy money fortunes being made as a finder, most people do not know what a finder is, or how to earn finder’s fees. So in order to define what a finder is, let’s first point out what a finder is not.

A finder is not a dealer. Dealers take-on a product, or service for sales and promotions. Dealers are only responsible for distributing the product, or service, from the main source to the end user.

A finder is not a pre-seller. Pre-sellers take a selling price from a product source and add-on what they feel to be a fair margin of profit, and sell it. When a sale is made, the pre-seller buys the product from the source and ships it to the buyer.

A finder is not a representative of, or agent for, either buyer or the seller. Representatives and agents are authorized by their clients to negotiate the purchase, or sale, of specific services and products. They can legally sign documents obligating their clients.

There you have it. Very many people who call themselves finders are not really finders at all. They are really Salesmen, Agents/Representatives, and/or Pre-sellers. The answer to the question is; that a finder is nothing more than a “match-maker” for a fee. The Professional Finder simply matches qualified buyers with qualified sellers, or vice versa. In business life also, the meaning of the word “find” is just that. Where a sale of something is involved, you find a buyer.

The Business of Finding

Where an acquisition of something is involved, you find a seller. We have found that the best way to find one party to a business transaction is to look in your own community (buyer or seller). Then match up his/her needs with those of another party (buyer/seller) in another city, state, country and away from your local community.

But you don’t have to stop here. You can also bring together two parties – one in Florida, and the other in Singapore, even if you live in Kansas City. Many Professional Finders are doing this and making a fortune.

The advent of the Internet has brought the world of communications to your fingertips. So Google away my friend and bring together a buyer and seller of any commodity!

Why A Finder?

And why not? You ask, “Why would anyone or company pay a Finder’s Fee?” Good question. There are over 300 million people in this country of ours, and millions of small, medium, and large companies. Now – do you think that these businesses can know of all the sources of supply, service providers, potential buyers, and potential sellers? Of course not!

Does it really make sense that companies spend thousands and hundreds of thousands, and tie up important employees to do nothing but research the existence of these suppliers, buyers, and service providers?

All they would have to do is get a finder to go to the expense and trouble of locating the contacts they need. The fees will be much less than what they would have spent if they had done the research them-selves.

Many limp-wrist finders complain that its hard work, difficult to weed through hundreds of unqualified leads before they find one good solid source. They continue complaining that this time wasted is keeping them from earning their fees. Now! Whoever said it was that easy? If it was that easy, do you think anyone would have need for a
Professional Finder, or even consider paying a Finder’s Fee?

The finders who complain are the failures. Keep this in your mind; a finder earns his/her fee by weeding through the unqualified leads or losers; by following all of the dead-end paths; and by, eventually, getting hold of a real genuine source, buyer, seller, or whatever.

This is what a finder gets highly paid for doing. The company or individual that pays these Finder Fees pays it so they will not have to chase down all of those unqualified leads, and dead-ends. That is the name of this game.

What Are Finder’s Fees?

Finder’s Fees are basically a fee for providing a service to an individual, or company. For example, let’s look at some situations:

  • A Texas man earned $43,000 on a single business transaction. This transaction consisted of making 3 telephone calls, several emails, and about 7 hours of his time. The transaction being the closing of a scrap metal deal involving a seller in Pittsburgh, PA and a buyer in Houston, TX. Not a bad days pay!
  •  A California woman collected a Finder’s Fee of $225,000 for the sale of beautiful mountain retreat in Santa Cruz, California. This transaction dealt with the sale of prime real estate that involved the seller in California and the buyer from Egypt. It took this young woman 2 telephone calls and 2 emails to close this baby.
  •  A New York couple collected a Finder’s Fee of $80,000 on a single sale of precious stones from Brazil to a buyer in Reno, Nevada. The sales continued and earned this couple an average yearly income of $34,000 for the next 3 years.
  • A New Jersey man collected a Finder’s Fee of $60,000 for matching a buyer of distress computer merchandise in Louisville, KY from the seller in Santa Clara, CA. This transaction involved 2 telephone calls, 2 emails, and one letter of correspondence.
  •  An Arizona woman collected a Finder’s Fee of $14,700 for locating 48,000 travel mugs in closeout merchandise. This transaction consisted of only 2 telephone calls and about 2 hours of work.
Each of these situations in which the above individuals collected money, was in Finder’s Fees. As you can see, the possibilities are endless. If you keep your eyes and ears open, you can make a killing in this business.

Where Are Finder’s Fees Opportunities?

Walk through a shopping center, a discount store. Drive through any industrial complex; visit any dock where longshoreman is unloading cargo.

Watch any office building or high-rise business structure of any type. Attend an auction. Read the classified sections of any newspaper. Research the Internet. Get listed on chat/blog sites. Excellent sites to find buyers and sellers are Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube.

Read the ads and contents of trade and business magazines in many fields. Chances are great that a finder somewhere along the line had much to do with the creation of the business momentum that you will have observed. The “Finder” reaches into every remote area of American and International business and collects his fees. The horizons are as broad as the composite whole of our American economy itself. Here are just a few examples of finders’ fee offerings:

  • Fees for finding insurance policyholders willing to convert their insurance premiums into tax-deductible items
  • Fees for uncovering hidden estates
  • Fees for finding buyers, sellers and traders in blocked, frozen or restricted foreign currencies
  • Fees for finding those willing to rent letters of credit
  • Fees for renting your own collateral, and having it too
  • Fees for finding big quantities of cosmetic and pharmaceutical products available for resale
  • Fees for finding sellers or buyers for any kind of production tools or equipment and earn a 5% fee for each “closed” deal
  • Fees for locating financing

Rare? Unusual? Odd? Yes! But, we have presented this small handful of way out examples merely to show you the long tentacle “reach” of the Finders’ Fee Business.

You can earn tremendous fees in the “finding” business if you set it up “right,” work at it “right,” and cash-in on it “right.” Our purpose is to show you the way. We will tell you about the most lucrative fields, how to set up your own finder’s service, the equipment and supplies you’ll need, the know-how and where- how you’ll need.

So - Let me ask you again........ Do you have what it takes to become a GOOD professional finder??

Find out NOW =======>  Click Here

To Your Wealth,

PS - Grab your $3500 worth of FREE marketing tools, eBooks, lifetime consultation and training not found anywhere else, when you come onboard!

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"Nothing in the world is more common than unsuccessful people with talent"

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

How NOT To Get Screwed On Your Finder's Fees Deals!

You've heard the term before - White Suits vs the Black Suits!! The good guys vs the bad guys!

Most often you'll find principals who are happy to pay your fees - if, of course, you get the job done for them. It's the same principle that is followed by companies of all sorts – in addition to sales commission rates, the awarding of bonuses, and a free top-salesman award of an all expenses paid trip to the Caribbean for you and your wife.

It's a fact that everybody loves a producer, a go-getter, and will generally pay him promptly and well. The only difference between you and the company setup is that, as a finder, you are working as an independent contractor! So
upon the closing details of every transaction you are involved in, you must exercise closer scrutiny. Is this more work? of course! But always remember - the rewards are most often far greater. How many salespeople do you know who can pull down $150,000 - $200,000 on a single deal, as a good professional finder can? Therefore, the guys in the white suits outnumber the guys in the black suits by a considerable margin.

But, what do you do when the guy with the black suit confronts you? One of the Bad Guys?? In business, there's always the occasional guy in the black suit. The bully, as we call them, who will threaten you with a nuisance suit, threaten to do damage to your reputation, threaten to blacklist you with your clientele. A gang of other business associates that don’t like you!

When something like this happens, you might do what we did when a principal we were working for as a finder several years ago tried to cover over the completion of a transaction and cheat us out of our fee. It was a sweet deal! 500 MT of used railroad ties! And this was a one year deal with 50 MT delivered each month. We weren't about to lose out on this deal when we found out what this principal was trying to do. 

Of course, we started out with the usual threatening civil suit. Then we took it up a notch and hit-him-with-everything-but-the-kitchen-sink " threat!. We sent a letter to the F.T.C. to investigate. We alerted by letter, the Better Business Bureau of his community, the State Attorney General's Office, and the Intelligence Division of the I.R.S. (because of suspected tax fraud). The point is - we poured it on heavily that the man never knew, from week to week, which flank he would have to defend next.

Can you imagine getting a letter threatening civil suit, with copies of all documents and the bottom reading:

cc: Securities & Exchange Commission
cc: Federal Trade Commission
cc: Inspection Division, U. S. Post Office Dept.
cc: Better Business Bureau
cc: State Attorney General Office
cc: Internal Revenue Service, Intelligence Division

What would you think? In addition to being mad, confused, and with a slight jump in your blood pressure, you might think it best to settle before the avalanche smothers you. This is what we call the "Shock & Awe". And, when we reminded this gentleman that these various governmental investigative actions initiated by us were only for "Starters" and that in the coming months at least another half-dozen would be launched. Guess what? We suddenly got paid. 

Don't be intimidated by the guys in the black suits! Always have your agreements with either buyer, seller or both signed, dated, and notarized. Keep all correspondence whether letters faxes, emails documented and filed. Protect yourself!

Ever thought about working as a Manufacturers' Rep? You can learn how to get into your own Manufacturer's Rep business with No Money and No Credit. In fact, you're about to discover that this is one of the easiest businesses you can get into. Check out this link:

To Your Wealth, 

Remington J Penman

PS - Grab your $3500 worth of FREE marketing tools, eBooks, lifetime consultation and training not found anywhere else, when you come onboard!

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“A successful man is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks
others have thrown at him”

Friday, May 9, 2014

What are the Most Lucrative Commodities in the Finder's Fees Business?

I often get asked on what are the best fields to work in to make tons of money in the Finder's Fees business? What are the most popular areas to concentrate where I can get big finder's fees from? 

Well - Let's examine each of the top fields and then you can decide and begin working these areas, OK?

The following fields represent perhaps the easiest and most lucrative to enter. As you read this post, be particularly aware that whether you enter just one field or have an interest in many, the key word to remember is "KNOWLEDGE".   

As mentioned in my eBook, "Striking Gold in the Finder's Fees Business", you will need to bone  up on your reading of your interest. There is plenty of money to be made in this business and the highly aggressive and astute entrepreneur will reap the harvest. On that note, let's proceed. 


What are commodities? Look around you. Corn, wheat, rice, scrap steel, orange juice, canned goods, distressed computer merchandise, cell phones, etc. etc. etc. Canned foods of all kinds, because of their natural preservation qualities, make up a consistently good market. Scrap steel is growing and will continue to grow due to the recycling efforts of conscientious Americans. Way back in the early 1970's, Platinum was enjoying a big demand, due to being one of the best catalysts for anti-pollution devices. Even today, Platinum is a valuable commodity. Mercury remains strong in demand and metals such as lead, zinc, and copper are strong contenders. Nickel, overall, enjoys strong demand.

OK! So how do you start in commodities and minerals? The same way you start in on anything else; through KNOWLEDGE. The New York Mercantile Exchange contains tons of information. Also, the American Association of Commodity Traders is an excellent source. If your interest is in pure commodities, such as pork bellies, corn, wheat, etc., look through the library for the trade organizations and also the Chicago Exchange addresses in this field. Energy fuels such as crude oil, butane, and propane are markets for huge  profits for the astute finder. 


Despite the ups and downs in the world's supply of Diamonds, this is a very good field to deal in as a finder. For example, in 2012, a New York couple collected a Finder's Fee of $80,000 on a single sale of precious stones from Brazil to a buyer in Reno, Nevada. The transactions continued and earned this couple an average yearly income of $45,000 for the next 3 years. Opals, which have been appreciating steadily in value at a rate of 10% - 15% per year, in recent years, are another of the precious; semi-precious stones markets worth looking into. Emeralds and rubies also score high in this market. 

When you enter the semi-precious stones market, you are getting into the biggest volume, fastest turnover market in this category. The main reason for this is mass market. The bottom line is, how many people around the world can afford diamonds, emeralds, and rubies? Think about it. Big markets are developing in Jade, Tiger Eyes (from Taiwan or Hong Kong), Garnet, Topaz, and Tourmaline. The astute finder can take in millions of dollars in this field alone. This is an excellent field to enter. 


There are many collector's items of indeterminable value sitting up there in attics and basements throughout the USA, postage stamps of high denomination, any kind of product made out of a special kind of material that is now extinct. Despite the high rate of transience of the American public, treasures in truck and trash are everywhere.  Antiques is a great area to pursue. The value of an 1875 roll-top desk, imported hand-carved furniture from the Victorian era, firearms of the old west will amaze you.

If you walk down any street in any old section of
town (pre -1910 built homes) and enter the premises, you'd find a small fortune in valuables of which the  owner did not even know the worth in at least 20% of the homes. Try this for starters: Place classified ads in such magazines and newspapers such as Grit Magazine, Cappers Magazine, and the many other farm periodicals. The reason being, you will want to reach the old homestead market. Read more in "Striking Gold in the Finder's Fees Business" on how you can place small cheap ads in these magazines.


Let's face it....... The Real Estate field has got to be the biggest and best paying areas of the entire finder's fee arena. This is where the big bucks can be attained if pursued properly. Many successful finders have earned fees of $100,000 to $1,000,000 and more on just one transaction such as the purchase, sale or financing of large shopping centers, industrial complexes, high-rise apartments and office buildings, 100,000 acre plus ranches. 

Right now there is a huge need for people just like you to find properties for investors who are TOO BUSY to be locating properties on their own! There is a huge need for "Finders" who can find lucrative cash flow property deals for investors. The quick and easy way to get involved in this business is to be a "finder" for a specific and designated investor or investment group. 

That's right and the trick, obviously, is to "hook up" with an investor or investment group (or with many investors) and start locating properties that fit into your investor's criteria. Many investors are actively looking for under-performing properties, REOs, and cash flowing properties in specific areas of the country. Commercial Real estate is HOT!. You can earn up to 5% on Finder's Fees when you close these deals. I open the lid in this field in my eBook, "Striking Gold in the Finder's Fees Business".


Independent manufacturer's representatives throughout the country are constantly looking for new products to complement their lines. Once you have built adequate cross-reference files from several of the other major categories, you will have the match-ups with which to approach them. 

The Manufacturer's Agent's Guide lists more than 12,000 manufacturer's representatives in the U.S. and Canada. Visit http://www.themaa.co.uk/agents.htm . The same holds true for wholesalers. While most will only accept big volume, name brand merchandise, some will be interested in big "good deal" close outs. 


Custom manufacturing is another good area to exploit. We have run ads in our monthly newsletter, "Worldwide Business Connection" from a variety of manufacturers offering Finder's Fees for those finding users for their facilities. These range from cosmetics compounding and packaging, to laminating, to structural steel fabrication, and just about every other type of manufacturing, engineering and warehousing help in between. The classified section of the Sunday New York Times, under "Manufacturing Facilities Offered" is an especially good source of leads. 


The catalog houses are always looking for new products to market. This is a very good field to enter. It is enormous. From the hundreds of national firms that put out those small 10-100 page catalogs to the big guys like, Sears, and Macy's. In conclusion, through reading, studying, and researching the various trade, business, and specialty magazines, the astute finder can amass a conscientious printout of hundreds of "match-up" possibilities that can earn him very lucrative fees.

Remember, "If you read, you succeed; if you snooze, you lose." Act by acting. Do
by doing. And don't stop short of success. As I said earlier, "Among peers,this is the easiest business in the world!"

There are plenty more fields to work in and these are further detailed in our eBook, "Striking Gold in the Finder's Fees Business". So - Let's Get Busy!

To Your Wealth,
Remington J Penman

PS - Grab your $3500 worth of FREE marketing tools, eBooks, lifetime consultation and training not found anywhere else, when you come onboard! 

Visit our other Blogs:

"Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm."

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Why 90% of the People Fail At Finder's Fees Business!

Yes my friend.... Sad but true! 

90% of the people who decide to learn and do this business, fail at the starting gate...


Simply because they do not take the time to actually learn this business and decide to take things into their own hands. These future finders end up losing before they even get to the starting gate... These are what I call the "grasshoppers"! 

They jump around looking at different deals and approaching either buyer or seller without doing their homework. These are the failures in our business.

Do you wish to become a failure in the Finder's Fees business?

But - Why a Finder?

And why not? You ask,  "Why would anyone or company pay a Finder's Fee?" Good question. There are close to 320 million people in this country of ours, and millions of small, medium, and large companies. Now - do you think that these businesses can know of all the sources of supply, service providers, potential buyers, and potential sellers?

Of course not! 
Does it really make sense that companies spend thousands and hundreds of thousands, and tie up important employees to do nothing but research the existence of these suppliers, buyers, and service providers?

All they would have to do is get a finder to go to the expense and trouble of locating the contacts they need. The fees will be much less than what they would have spent if they had done the research them-selves.

Many limp-wrist finders complain that its hard work, difficult to weed through hundreds of unqualified leads before they find one good solid source. They continue complaining that this time wasted is keeping them from earning their fees. Now! Whoever said it was that easy? If it was that easy, do you think anyone would have a need for a Professional Finder, or even consider paying a Finder's Fee?

The bottom line - The finders who complain are the failures. Keep this in your mind; a finder earns his/her fee by weeding through the unqualified leads or losers; by following all of the dead-end paths; and by, eventually, getting hold of a real genuine source, buyer, seller, or whatever.

This is what a finder gets highly paid for doing. The company or individual that pays these Finder Fees pays it so they will not have to chase down all of those unqualified leads, and dead-ends. That is the name of this game.

Read How Successful Finders Generate Income!

Rule Number 1 Grasshopper - Find Before You Write!
It doesn't matter whether a Finder's Fee is offered or not. Before you WRITE your first letter to the advertiser, you must FIND it first. No advertiser is going to take you seriously or be blinded by an inept finder. 

Like I said earlier, most advertisers receive tons of letters from unsuccessful finders claiming to meet their requirements, only to find out later in the game that these unsuccessful ones have found nothing. 

Like the old saying, "What comes around, goes around." Don't get a reputation in the finding arena that you can't deliver.


Also remember - To earn your fee, you must find what is requested or required. Then, when this has been accomplished, you must give this information to your client. 

The bottom line - you are selling the name & address of the other end or party that you have researched and qualified. You are NOT selling products or services from either of the parties. This is their job.

There are five steps to follow to succeed in finding anything. Follow these steps and you will be successful in finding.
  1. DETERMINE what exactly your client is looking for. Don't guess on this matter. Write it down!
  2. THINK who might supply what your client is seeking; area of the country, type of producer, type of consumer, type of industry, special applications, alternate methods, etc.
  3. RESEARCH where to find these companies, or individuals, who may be capable of filling your client's requirements - directories, magazines, newsletters, yellow pages, other finders, etc.
  4. CONTACT those who, through your research, have determined to be possible sources.
  5. QUALIFY those who respond to your queries to be sure that they are capable of fulfilling your client's requirements.
Find Out Where These Finder's Fees Opportunities Are NOW!

Are you ready to learn about the World's Easiest Business?
You can't go wrong when you are learning from a professional that earns over $100k monthly each and every month year after year...... If you're interested in creating an income by simply introducing a buyer to a seller, then........ 

Stop Stepping Over Dollars To Pick Up Dimes!

To Your Wealth,

Remington J Penman