Thursday, January 26, 2012

What Are "Daisy Chains" In The Finders Fees Business?

What is a "daisy chain? It’s simply getting involved with another finder who is not the direct representative of the Principal, but probably claims he is working with another finder who claims he is. The third finder, wishing to impress other finders with his closeness to top principals, may be, in turn, only dealing through a fourth, fifth, sixth, even up to ten, twelve or more other finders.

Once you get sucked into such a web, you are starting out on a trip to Nowhereville! The whole thing is a vicious circle: much like the small mail order dealers who "co-publish" all kinds of ad sheets and cheap mimeographed magazines and do nothing but try to sell to each other.

In short, you'll end up in a market that is no market; you'll waste your time and money and brain energysenselessly and, 999 times out of every 1,000, fruitlessly. A barrel of crude oil, for instance, can stand an absolute maximum of about 3 cents per barrels in total fees added. (This field, crude oil, is one of the very best big moneymaking areas of the finding business).

If you're dealing with just one other finder on such a deal, fine - you'll both pocket a small fortune on, say, a sale of 500,000 barrels at 1-1/2 cents to you, and 1-1/2 cents to the other finder. For example, a total of eight are in the act, and all demand 3/4 cents each. The deal is killed, and nobody gets paid.

The "daisy chain" can ruin your various deals in other ways. Many of these finders will sometimes send you a name and say, "try this" (for whatever deal they happened to get wind of that you're working on). Later, if the deal goes through, one will claim that he was vitally instrumental in it, wave his correspondence,send photocopies to you, and perhaps threaten suit if you don't split with him.

Most often, these leeches are about as bothersome as flies lighting on you while you're trying to sleep, you can't always afford to completely ignore the "try this" letter. If and when they come in, the first thing to do is match dates. If the dates on your correspondence precede his, forget it. If there is any question at all, reply that you already have been working on it (whatever deal). Quote the date that you started, and cite any full authorization exchanges of letters or formal contract that you might have in your possession. This will usually make him back off, and you'll never hear from him again.

On the other hand, sometimes working in the "daisy chain" is the honest, hard working finder. One rule of thumb, in order to determine how close to the principal he is, is to elicit from him full details of therequirements. If he can supply these to you, chances are he's close, perhaps only one other finder or broker away from the principal. A three-way split of a Finder’s fee is about the maximum you'll want to go. Obviously, two ways is better, and a single fee - yours is ideal.

When dealing with other Finders, it's usually quite easy to separate the men from the boys. The professional Finder will be euphonious. He/She will give elaborate particulars on good stationery in a crisp, business like way. The amateur, or no-work/big-profit leech-type will send you the "try this" letter, too often on shoddy paper with no details (simply because he/she doesn't have any), or just the few general details he picked up from an ad or a directory.

To sum it up: Avoid the "daisy chain" as much as possible. When you must deal with other finders, and sometimes this is essential, try to limit the number to three, and no more, on any one transaction.

You ready to make some money?

Let's Get Busy!

Remington J Penman

What Are The Most Lucrative Finders Fees Fields To Enter?

So what are the most lucrative fields to enter in the finders fees business?

The following fields represent perhaps the easiest and most lucrative to enter. As you read on here, be particularly aware that whether you enter just one field or have an interest in many, the key word to remember is "KNOWLEDGE".

In this business, you will need to bone up on your reading of your interest. There is plenty of money to be made in this business and the highly aggressive and astute entrepreneur will reap the harvest. On that note, let's proceed.

Commodities & Minerals

What are commodities? Look around you. Corn, wheat, rice, scrap steel, orange juice, canned goods, distressed computer merchandise, cell phones, etc. etc. etc. Canned foods of all kinds, because of their natural preservation qualities, make up a consistently good market. Scrap steel is growing and will continue to grow due to the recycling efforts of conscientious Americans. Way back in the early 1970's, Platinum was enjoying a big demand, due to being one of the best catalysts for anti-pollution devices. Even today, Platinum is a valuable commodity. Mercury remains strong in demand and metals such as lead, zinc, and copper are strong contenders. Nickel, overall, enjoys strong demand.

OK! How do you start in commodities and minerals? The same way you start in anything else; through KNOWLEDGE. The New York Mercantile Exchange contains tons of information. Also, the American Association of Commodity Traders is an excellent source. If your interest is in pure commodities, such as pork bellies, corn, wheat, etc., look through the library for the trade organizations and also the Chicago Exchange addresses in this field. Energy fuels such as crude oil, butane, and propane are markets for huge profits for the astute finder.

Precious & Semi-Precious Stones

Despite the ups and downs in the world's supply of Diamonds, this is a very good field to deal in as a finder. For example, in 2002, a New York couple collected a Finder's Fee of $80,000 on a single sale of precious stones from Brazil to a buyer in Reno, Nevada. The transactions continued and earned this couple an average yearly income of $35,000 for the next 3 years. Opals, which have been appreciating steadily in value at a rate of 10% - 15% per year, in recent years, are another of the precious; semi-precious stones markets worth looking into. Emeralds and rubies also score high in this market.

When you enter the semi-precious stones market, you are getting into the biggest volume, fastest turnover market in this category. The main reason for this is mass market. The bottom line is, how many people around the world can afford diamonds, emeralds, and rubies? Think about it.

Big markets are developing in Jade, Tiger Eyes (from Taiwan or Hong Kong), Garnet, Topaz, and Tourmaline. The astute finder can take in millions of dollars in this field alone. This is an excellent field to enter. Each year, American industry manages to produce inept merchandise or overproduction. The result being, a huge amount of goods, products and merchandise of every detail and description that can't be sold through normal wholesale/retail channels at standard retail prices.

Big bargains in surplus and closeout merchandise surface. To the sharp finder, he can purchase items at pennies on the dollars and parlay his investment to big bucks. Periodicals dealing in surplus merchandise and thumbing closely through the Wall Street Journal classifieds can give the finder an upper hand in this field.

So! What are you waiting for?

Let's Get Busy!

Remington J Penman

What Are Finder's Fees?

Finder's Fees are basically a fee for providing a service to an individual, or company. For example, let's look at some situations:

  • A Texas man earned $43,000 on a single business transaction. This transaction consisted of making 3 telephone calls, several emails, and about 7 hours of his time. The transaction being the closing of a scrap metal deal involving a seller in Pittsburgh, PA and a buyer in Houston, TX. Not a bad days pay!
  • A California woman collected a Finder's Fee of $225,000 for the sale of beautiful mountain retreat in Santa Cruz, California. This transaction dealt with the sale of prime real estate that involved the seller in California and the buyer from Egypt. It took this young woman 2 telephone calls and 2 emails to close this baby.
  • A New York couple collected a Finder's Fee of $80,000 on a single sale of precious stones from Brazil to a buyer in Reno, Nevada. The sales continued and earned this couple an average yearly income of $34,000 for the next 3 years.
  • A New Jersey man collected a Finder's Fee of $60,000 for matching a buyer of distress computer merchandise in Louisville, KY from the seller in Santa Clara, CA. This transaction involved 2 telephone calls, 2 emails, and one letter of correspondence.
  • An Arizona woman collected a Finder’s Fee of $14,700 for locating 48,000 travel mugs in closeout merchandise. This transaction consisted of only 2 telephone calls and about 2 hours of work.

Each of these situations in which the above individuals collected money, was in Finder's Fees. As you can see, the possibilities are endless. If you keep your eyes and ears open, you can make a killing in this business.

OK great! But where are these finder's fees opportunities? How do I find them?

Walk through a shopping center, a discount store. Drive through any industrial complex; visit any dock where longshoreman is unloading cargo. Watch any office building or high-rise business structure of any type. Attend an auction. Read the classified sections of any newspaper. Research the Internet. Get listed on chat/blog sites. Excellent sites to find buyers and sellers are Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube.

Read the ads and contents of trade and business magazines in many fields. Chances are great that a finder somewhere along the line had much to do with the creation of the business momentum that you will have observed. The "Finder" reaches into every remote area of American and International business and collects his fees. The horizons are as broad as the composite whole of our American economy itself. Here are just a few examples of finders' fee offerings:

  • Fees for finding insurance policyholders willing to convert their insurance premiums into
    tax-deductible items
  • Fees for uncovering hidden estates
  • Fees for finding buyers, sellers and traders in blocked, frozen or restricted foreign currencies
  • Fees for finding those willing to rent letters of credit
  • Fees for renting your own collateral, and having it too
  • Fees for finding big quantities of cosmetic and pharmaceutical products available for resale
  • Fees for finding sellers or buyers for any kind of production tools or equipment and earn a 5% fee for each "closed" deal
  • Fees for locating financing

Rare? Unusual? Odd? Yes! But, we have presented this small handful of way out examples merely to show you the long tentacle "reach" of the Finders' Fee business.

You can earn tremendous fees in the "finding" business if you set it up "right," work at it "right," and cash-in on it "right." The purpose of this book is to show you the way. We will tell you about the most lucrative fields, how to set up your own finder's service, the equipment and supplies you'll need, the know-how and where-how you'll need.

Ready to start making some serious fees? What are you waiting for?

Let's Get Busy!

Remington J Penman

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

What Is A Professional Finder?

What Is A Finder?

Would you believe that most people, even people who call themselves finders, do not really know what a finder is. Although so much has been written about the easy money fortunes being made as a finder, most people do not know what a finder is, or how to earn finder's fees. Well, let us stop for a darn minute here and explain. In order to define what a finder is, let's first point out what a finder is not.

A finder is not a dealer. Dealers take-on a product, or service for sales and promotions. Dealers are only responsible for distributing the product, or service, from the main source to the end user.

A finder is not a pre-seller. Pre-sellers take a selling price from a product source and add-on what they feel to be a fair margin of profit, and sell it. When a sale is made, the pre-seller buys the product from the source and ships it to the buyer.

A finder is not a representative of, or agent for, either buyer or the seller. Representatives and agents are authorized by their clients to negotiate the purchase, or sale, of specific services and products. They can legally sign documents obligating their clients.

There you have it. Very many people who call themselves finders are not really finders at all. They are really Salesmen, Agents/Representatives, and/or Pre-sellers. The answer to the question is; that a finder is nothing more than a "match-maker" for a fee. The Professional Finder simply matches qualified buyers with qualified sellers, or vice versa. In business life also, the meaning of the word "find" is just that. Where a sale of something is involved, you find a buyer.

The Business of Finding

Where an acquisition of something is involved, you find a seller. We have found that the best way to find one party to a business transaction is to look in your own community (buyer or seller). Then match up his/her needs with those of another party (buyer/seller) in another city, state, country and away from your local

But you don't have to stop here. You can also bring together two parties - one in Florida, and the other in Singapore, even if you live in Kansas City. Many Professional Finders are doing this and making a fortune.

The advent of the Internet has brought the world of communications to your fingertips. So Google away my friend and bring together a buyer and seller of any commodity!

Find out more about the Finders Fees Business!

Let's Get Busy!

Remington J Penman

The Finders Fees Business - What Can You Expect?

To begin with, I'll show you how it is possible to go into this business with nothing more than the materials I send you and pocket change. Let a professional finder with over 25 years experience SHOW you......

A BUSINESS that will NEVER require offices or employees - unless you want them.

A BUSINESS that requires no special education or skills (I barely finished high school). My program contains all the groundwork - everything you need to know to begin now!!

A BUSINESS that is inflation proof and not affected by the economy. In fact, while this country is in deep recession, mortgage crisis, fallout on Wall street, and bailouts, I picked up a nice cool fee of $135,000 for a few hours work (if you want to call it that!).

A BUSINESS that you can work full-time or part-time or anytime if you want to call it work! My neighbors wonder what I do because it seems I'm always home.

A BUSINESS that you can do yourself or you can have others do for you!

A BUSINESS that you can start from day 1 if you like. You set your limits how much time and easy work you want to devote to this business.

A BUSINESS with no boss! no time clock! no selling! no nothing!!

Then - what is this business? Well, before I tell you what it is, let me tell you clearly what it's NOT!! It's NOT anything you have seen offered anywhere before!

It's the Finders Fees Business

Let's Get Busy!

Remington J Penman

Are You Stepping Over Dollars To Pick Up Dimes?

You need to go where the money is.......Have you ever asked yourself, "Where is the money at?" The Internet? Think again........... What if I told you that the money is right in your own back yard! All you need to do is OPEN your eyes!!

I would like to ask you a favor. Please take the next 5 minutes to read every word of this page. I realize it will probably sound unbelievable, but everything I'm about to tell you is true and I can prove it.

My name is Remington J. Penman and I have been a professional finder for over 25 years. The business of Finders Fees has been around a long time and with the advent of the Internet and wireless technology in the last few decades, the business of Finders Fees has gotten simplier and a HECK of a lot better with BIGGER Paydays.... Let me explain............

Ten years on a job I hated was all it took. There had to be a better way. All I had to look forward to was 30 more years of the same 9 to 5 grind, and even if I made it to retirement, inflation would eat up my pension in a few short years. And worse yet, the average male only lives about 4-7 years after retirement - Are You Kidding Me? Only 4-7 years to do what YOU want after 40 years of making someone else rich? Bullcrap!

That's when my search began for a better way. I bet I've sent for every money-making plan and scheme advertised anywhere! I know from experience that there are few money-making plans that really work. I've spent hundreds and hundreds of dollars trying to find the right one. After reading these "Fabulous Money-Making Plans", I realized that most people who write the books never really do the plans themselves. They make their fortunes by selling us the books!! If their plan is so good - Then why aren't they doing it themselves?

Find out why!

Let's Get Busy!!
Remington J Penman